Thursday, February 12, 2009

More tired, random thoughts...

I am so ready for a long weekend. Nathan and I decided that the person who invented the February long weekend was a genius. Then, we thought that it was probably the government who came up with it, and we had to withdraw our statement.

I have been SO tired lately. Maybe it’s the lack of sunshine…or maybe it’s how busy I’ve been during the days working at home. Whatever it is, it’s got me in a funk and I’m hoping the long weekend will snap me out of it.

I’ve been thinking lately about going back to school…about finishing my BA. It would give me something to do while Nathan’s in class, and I might be able to use it in ministry in the future. The thing is…it’s not something that I feel like I need to have to be able to be involved in ministry as a wife. But what if I want to be employed, myself, in a place that requires me to have a BA? That is definitely a possibility (especially if we don’t have kids). A few classes could help me (some ministry or practical theology courses) but some of those old testament courses I just have no interest in! Plus, I have a terrible time listening in class, so I’m not sure that I would come out much smarter in the end anyway! Oh well…something that I’ll have to keep mulling over in my head.

Another thought has been selling the house. How much do we ask? I know, I know…get in a professional who can tell us what it’s worth. But if we can guess how much it’s worth and save ourselves a bit of moo-lah, well, I’m all for that! My goal is that, by the end of the weekend, I’ll have the house ready to be shown to potential buyers. In the past week or two, I’ve been going through the house, room-by-room, and paring down what we own. While I have gotten rid of a couple garbage bags of “stuff” but it has left the basement a disaster zone! I have boxes and piles of stuff that are either packed or ready for the garage sale. I’m going to need to hide those piles and boxes so that it looks like we still live there for potential buyers!

Well, that’s about it…more random thoughts from second street. It’s sure hard to write when I'm just wanting to sleep the day away. Oh well...there's at least something for your entertainment!


Anonymous said...

Re: House appraisal - a realtor will do it for free. And you're under no obligation to list with that realtor.

Anonymous said...

I wish I could come to your garage sale. I bet you've got stuff that I'd really like!

Marsha said...

I think the best thing to do (and an obvious one)is look for comparables. Go to towns that are close by look for houses that would be in your category.
I think it's important to put yourself in the only persons shoes that matter....the buyer! The price of the house is very important to them. Try to seperate yourself and think objectively (like you yourself were out shopping for houses)
And I don't know about Altona, but here with the economy and the recession a lot of Canadians are freaked out.
Another thought on pricing is if the market is good (I have no idea about what the market there would be like..but I've heard this said before) then you are safer with a lower price b/c it would bring multiple offers therefore driving up the price. (and multiple offers are better than no offers)
Anyway...I'm no expert by any means, but there is some food for thought. Good luck!!! (oh! and boil cinnamon sticks in the oven for a good smell :)

Stacey said...

If you look in the Pembina Valley Real Estate book that comes out, it should give you a good idea of prices for your house. Just make sure you set a solid bottom line, and don't let anyone take it for less!

Are you planning on selling privately? Then you can usually sell for a couple thousand less, since the realtors take a good chunk of the final price.

Anonymous said...

I have no house advice but I absolutly LOVE the photo you added!! Made me laugh out loud!! :)