Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Ever wonder?

Do you ever wonder what it would be like to make twice as much money as you make right now?

I've been wondering that lately. I think about people who make twice or three or four times as much as Nathan and I make and wonder how they do it! Not so much how they make the money (though partly that) but what they live it feels...what their budget looks like. I guess that's kinda snoopy of me. Money is such a personal thing. But really. Have you ever wondered about it?

And while I'm thinking about that, I think...well, we live on as much as we make now...would we be able to live the same way if we made twice as much and just give the other half to either the church or a charity or something completely outside of ourselves? At first thought, I think, sure, we could do that. But then I think about the little raises that we've gotten since being here at the church and how our budget just swallows those up like they never happened and we don't even notice much change. Our lives just adjust and come to expect that things like internet, satellite, cell phones and eating out are a normal part of life. (that said, of those things we only have cable and rarely eat out) But you know? Isn't it kinda sick how we pad our lives to our comfort and use as much as we are given (sometimes more, when you consider credit)?

That's something I've been thinking about lately...and I've been trying to be content with what we've been given...because it's really not that bad. I am most content in every area of life, however, when I don't compare myself and my life to others. I don't need all those things. When I focus on what we DO have, it's plenty and we really are blessed.


Trev and Rebekah said...

When I think about going long term I realize that I will have much less than what I have now. Yet I need to remind myself that God will take care us and will provide all that we need.

Kelsie-Lynn said...

Oh yes I wonder about this...and I feel much the same as you do. I often find myself saying wouldn't it be nice to just make a little more...but really there could always be more! Thanks for the reminder to be content! I too often think about this and the reminder was a good one!