Saturday, November 04, 2006


This week has been a week of long walks on the beach, beautiful sunsets over the ocean and smells of salt water gently drifting over us as we lay in our hammock (which was right in front of our ocean front cabin). I love holidays, don't you?

Well, I suppose now is the time to tell you that the whole sunset, ocean thing was just a wild, expensive daydream. In reality, this week of holidays consisted of Nathan working at least 8 hours a day on his Colossians class that he'll be teaching later this month. I spent Monday working around the house and the rest of the week playing with Lennox (who is getting quite large, by the way), reading my newest Real Simple magazine which came in the mail this week, and watching whatever happened to be on tv at any given time. Of course this was mixed with the occasional housework, but for me, it was truly a vacation!

Nathan and I also had some good time together though. (We couldn't be off for a week and not spend some quality time together!) Last night was pizza and a movie night (that's right, I found a pizza that I actually get cravings for! -Chicken Chef Pepperoni and Bacon) and today we're doing some Christmas/grocery shopping in Winkler. Throughout the week we also had some wonderfully romantic walks, though instead of walking along white sand beaches, we walked along white snowy roads. On one hand comparable, on the other hand, not the same at all.

So that was our week. Next week it's back to work for both of us. Nathan at the office again (which will probably feel like a break after the week he's had) and me back to answering phones.

Maybe next winter I'll be reporting about a tropical getaway...

1 comment:

Trev and Rebekah said...

Trev and I have decided to plan a tropical getaway for our 5th anniversary. Sure hope that works out. My dream is to spend our 25th in Africa again and maybe do a Safari. But with a little one on the way I don't think we will be going any where warm soon.