Saturday, October 21, 2006

Steve Bell...

Last night, Nathan and I drove out to Winkler for a Steve Bell concert.
It was amazing...
For those of you who don't know Steve Bell, his show is him and his guitar becoming one for God.
And, he is a very gifted musician. We were in the front pew and you should have seen Nathan! He was leaning forward, practically drewling (how do you spell that word???) because of how Steve Bell's fingers were moving on the guitar! It was great!
I really enjoyed it too. At the end, I felt like Nathan and I would be driving back to Bethany because it was so much the same inspiring experience that so often happened while we were at school there. Things like that just don't happen nearly as much in the real world. That's one thing I miss about Bible school...when I was at Bible school, I was inspired on a regular basis. Many more things made me stop and think. Many more things made me want to try new things or gave me ideas for things I could do in or with my life. I've come to the conclusion that the real world is fairly routine and, dare I say it, boring. It was such a good feeling to come out of there having been led into the presence of God and feeling encouraged and uplifted.
Now, I realize that life isn't all about feelings and feeling good. I know that there has to be routine and there has to be normal-ness. But something about the Bible school setting just keeps your mind and soul working and alive. Even if you're not enjoying being there and just want to get out (and get married or whatever else), it's still a stimulating place and a place where God is very real, and a place where encouragement abounds. That's what I miss about Bethany. chance of your soul going into hibernation.
Is it wrong of me to say these things, even though I'm a pastor's wife, even though I attend church regularly, even though I love life and love God and feel incredibly blessed? Am I wrong to think and feel like this?

1 comment:

Karis said...

Hm, Bible school... The thing about Bible school is, even though you're being inspired and challenged, you still have to be incredibly intentional about growing. It's easy to just drift along. Since you pray in every class and in chapel, it's easy to think that's enough and not take the personal time with God... not really an easy thing between classes and homework and hanging out at all hours... I agree with you though- it is a good place to be.. community and such. But, there comes a time (or so hear) that you have to enter the real world and figure out how community works in the church... I'll be praying for some encouragement, stimulation, inspiration, for you...