Thursday, June 01, 2006

We're not Youth Pastors, We're Youth who are Pastors

The other day I was talking to one of our youth leaders. She is the same age as me and Nathan (that is correct grammar, for those of you who care…at least I think. Sylvia, tell me if I’m wrong). We got talking about us being in Altona and friends and ministry and she said something about how we have a lot of responsibility at a very young age and how she couldn’t imagine doing what we do. I was thinking about it, and it’s true. I couldn’t imagine doing what we do either. I think it’s something that you just need to be thrown into and you learn and grow as you go. When I step back and think about our ages and where we are in life (pastoring, buying a house), I kinda think we’re crazy. On the other hand, it took me this long to realize how crazy we are, so that makes me think maybe it isn’t as crazy as it sometimes seems.
Often throughout this first year in ministry, I have wondered why we were called to Altona, and cried out to God for answers. For most of this first year, Altona has been a lonely place. It has (is taking) me a while to make friends and that’s tough, because friends have always just sort of been there for me. It has forced me to step out of my comfort zone. Even after almost an entire school year of youth, I have to admit, it still pushes me, some nights, more than I like to be pushed. Sometimes it just seems easier to sit at home and be alone and…I don’t know, be comfortable in my box. But throughout the year, I have also learned the advantages of stepping out. Youth ministry becomes so worth the challenges when you have a youth’s face light up when you go and sit with them before youth, or when you hear their testimonies and realize that God really spoke to them through a Bible study you led, or when they ask you to be a prayer warrior for them. When you realize that you are making a difference and you are changing lives…it’s still overwhelming a lot of the time, but knowing that we’re not doing it on our own strength or wisdom, but with the power of God…that makes it worth it. Knowing that we are introducing kids to the God of the universe and/or helping them to know him more…that makes it worth it. Knowing that we’re right where God wants us to be, even at our young ages…that makes it worth it!


Bonnie said...

Congratulations on everything you have accomplished at your young age!! You sound like you are doing a great job. Let me encourage you that the loneliness does eventually subside as you do make friends over time (some really good ones even)!! And when/if the time comes that you move from that place you will likely realize that you're are suddenly overwhelmed with the thought of leaving what has now become your new "comfortzone"!
Keep walking in the direction God sets out for you and you will go far!!

Anonymous said...

hey niki, it sounds to me like you guys got your ducks in a row... would be nice, lol. i can't even decide if i should go to school or not... and if i did what i would take. it sounds nice to have a real life. and your house is SO CUTE!!! i love it!! i'm excited you set up a blog, it's a good time. sometime i'm going to put pics of my new house on my blog, my computer just got set up, so soon. anyways, love you heaps, i'm glad you're doing good. ttyl

Nikki said...

I know I should probally say this in person, but just wanted to let you know that this last year of youth has been awesome. I know I have mentioned it before, youth in general has helped me in ways that I can't even imagine. At the start of the year, I had no idea what to expect from myself, ymt and and you guys, but the year has come and gone and with it, many amazing memories and new friendships formed and old ones renewed. So yeah, basically what I am saying is Thanks for eveything you and Nathan do. Never under esitmate the power of even a smile or a laughter.