Monday, June 05, 2006

Chili and a Movie

Things I’ve discovered this weekend…

- I love time with my husband.
- Football games aren’t my favorite way to spend time with my husband.
- When I go to football games, I only watch about 10 minutes of the game…the rest of the time I spend watching the people around me.
- It makes my day to spend a couple hours catching up with friends who I haven’t talked to (or seen, or thought of) in months or years, even if it is just by reading blogs…it gives a sense of belonging and history when everything else in life seems new and foreign.
- It’s fun to see people I know in unexpected places (like Kendall Friesen at the football game on Friday night…even though I never really knew him at Bethany, it was still a familiar face)
- It is fun to show people our house…people who haven’t seen it before. The best part is the look of surprise (and relief) on their faces when they walk in the door and see that the inside is not quite as “well-weathered” as the outside.
- I would really like a cat.
- I love warm weather.
- I love Sunday afternoon naps…well, this one and the last one I just re-discovered…
- It’s worth not cutting your hair when you impulsively feel like it…just wait a few days and see if you still feel like it.
- If you’re watching a movie and suddenly feel like making chili, just make it…it’s worth it.
- I’m still learning how living with my husband is supposed to work, but each day of learning makes the next days easier and even more worth it.

Overall, it’s been a good weekend! How was yours?

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