Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Calling all blog-stalkers...!

I'm looking for creative (or just random and not terribly creative)ideas of things to write about or photograph.

Do you have an assignment for me?

Is there something that you would like to see me try to take a picture of?

I'm looking for ideas, both old and new, to add some spice to my blogs!


Unknown said...

You could do a geometry assignment for photos. As in - go out and look for lines, circles, squares, angles and try to photograph them.

Or, you could do an emotions shoot - make a list of emotions you want to capture and go out and take either scenic, candid or portrait-y shots that exude that emotion.

Or you could do a 365 project: take a photo of yourself a day, no matter what. After a while you'll be forced to start doing creative things or you'll be bored.

I'm sure there are better ideas but those were just my initial thoughts. Winter makes for some pretty photos, but generally I feel that winter is constraining. Photo romps seem a lot more fun in summer.

Trev and Rebekah said...

I like the emotions idea!

Alicia Buhler said...

I think it would be interesting to do a photo portfolio of who you are at this point in your life, whatever that may look like.

Peter said...

Do a photo profile of winter life in Manitoba ... how do you people survive?! We here in YVR complain loudly after 4 days of snow!

PS I am a friend of your friend Cindy.

Kelsie-Lynn said...

I was also going to say to a photo set of yourself. I just finished reading a scrapbook magazine article about doing pages on yourself and am very inspired by it. I also think it would be awesome for your kids someday to see what you were like before they came around :) Just an idea.

Marsha said...

to write about:
-I have an assignment! Could you find out where the idea for purses came from? When did women start using them? And why? and why women are so crazy about them

For Photos:
-I saw an artist who looked for letters in everyday items (example small "r" was the curve of a bathroom tap) She would take pictures of these items and you could combine all sorts of things and spell out your name or whatever in a picture frame. So that's a cool idea.

Marsha said...

p.s. I am totally a blog stalker!!! hahaha I like that term!