Thursday, November 20, 2008

Object of Your Passion...

Sometimes I go through periods of time when I feel as though I’m living in the palm of God’s protective hand. I experience intense joy and peace and intimacy with God. And then, even though I don’t feel like anything changes in my life, it suddenly gets harder. It gets harder to hear God’s voice and feel His touch. It seems to take more effort to draw near to Him. What I did last week to draw close to Him is not necessarily what will effectively draw me close to Him this week. I never doubt his love or presence or care, but I just wonder…is it because I get into a groove and relax a bit in my seeking Him?

When I think about Nathan and myself, I guess it works the same way. We’ll be full of passion for a while and life will be full of intimacy and excitement and joy. Then, the next thing we know we’re back to routine. Life isn’t bad… it just takes a bit more – something a bit different - to renew that passion again. Is that a healthy thing? Perhaps. I’ve heard that you can’t live life on a high all the time. I guess there are naturally cycles of passion and routine, and as long as you are 100% true to and in love with the object of your passion even on routine days, it’s ok. In fact, it is good.

God wants to be there on routine days as well as on exceptionally good or exceptionally bad days. He just wants to be a part of our lives every day.

These were my thoughts this morning…

1 comment:

Janelle said...

wow. i feel like that alot. in both my relationship with God & with my husband - especially after 8 years of marriage.
we tend to get so stuck in ruts that we get comfy there. i don't want to be like that.