Tuesday, November 04, 2008

A Fool for God

I was listening to God this morning before work and I asked Him what he wanted to say to me. He said one thing. Made sense. I wrote it down and kept listening. He said another thing. Ok. Good. Wrote it down. Kept listening. Then, he decided to expand on the second thing. And he didn't just expand with another idea. He expanded by telling me something specific to do. Something that, if I do it, I risk looking like a fool for God. I risk what a certain person thinks about me. I risk my comfort. But in not doing it, I risk the potential of that person being hurt. I tried the usual argument in my mind..."nah, that's just in my mind. That wasn't God." But it wouldn't leave. So then I admitted my fear to God and told him that I didn't know how to do this. He told me almost exactly what to say. How do you say "no" to that? So I agreed. I will follow God today. (it really is a daily choice, isn't it?)

I then went to my Bible and asked God where I should read from...I wanted Him to speak some concrete words (words that I could read with my own eyes) to me. He told me Psalm 19. I started reading it and thought, "yeah, this is nice...but nothing that I couldn't have read in any other Psalm on any other day." And then I turned the page and got to the last verse, verse 14.

"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
Be pleasing in your sight,
O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer."
I read it again. I remembered the tune I heard it sung to years ago. I sang it slowly. I sang it again. And again. I spoke it. I thought it. I read it again. I soaked in it for a few minutes. It has been running through my head all morning. This is my prayer today. That my words and thoughts be pleasing to God, my Rock and my Redeemer.


Anonymous said...

It was always a pleasure to read your blog! I check daily! Thanks for writing your honest thoughts and the things you wrestle with in your life.

Say hi to Nate for me!


Trev and Rebekah said...

How refreshing that you are hearing from Jesus. He speaks, we just need to listen. The more we step out in faith (even if we are scared or not a hundred percent sure it's Him) the more we hear His voice clearly. Way to be obedient.

Sister C said...

That is sweet!