Monday, September 08, 2008

I am not inspired today.

I would love to update my blog...but I feel I have nothing to say.

Writer's block, I suppose.

I remember how tolerant my creative writing teacher was in high school when I would claim to have writer's block and talk to my friends for the entire class.

That was a wonderful class.

But I am not in class.

Do you ever wish you were back in high school?

Me neither.

Well, not really.

Sometimes, though, when I see all the school supplies and new clothes and the fresh start...

But no, I don't miss it.

I don't miss the drama.

I do miss the learning though, and being stretched.

Sometimes I think about going back to school.

Maybe for photography.

Maybe for early childhood education.

Maybe for a bachelor of education.

Maybe pharmacy.

Maybe business.

No, not business...I've never wanted to go into business.

I would like to do something I enjoy that takes thought though.

Problem solving.

That's why I enjoy teaching piano so much.

It makes me use my mind to make it interesting...

aka. problem solving.

I start teaching again on Wednesday.

I'm pretty excited.

Maybe I should pursue teaching music?

What an intimidating thought.

So many intimidating thoughts.

Well, that's enough uninspired-ness for one day.

One rainy, uninspired day.

Perhaps not actually uninspired.

Perhaps just writer's block.


Trev and Rebekah said...

I never knew you taught piano, nor did I know that you played.

Unknown said...

"Perhaps not actually uninspired." That's what I thought. I thought that this was an insightful post and a fun read. Yay for writers' block sometimes?

I hope if you do go back to school that it's for something you love, not for something you think you should love.

Marsha said...

wouldn't it be nice to combine piano and photography? Two of your artistic talents, and two things you enjoy? The other thing you could do is taking something by learn well self taught hey? That would give you some learning.
I too love to learn. (i think i got it from my parents) I try to only take fun learning things though, like art classes, and my optician course (although that can be grouped in the stress category too) and dog obedience(I guess that doesn't really count as a "learning class"...but i learn things at it, and enjoy it) Anyway...yep that's what I think (confused??:) Can't wait to see you!!! p.s i love your blog