Friday, August 08, 2008

Cold Turkey...

Lately God has been teaching me alot about contentment.

God has blessed me with what He has chosen to bless me. Who am I to question that? I have so many things. I am wealthy. I never have to wonder where my next meal is coming from...well, I do wonder almost every day, but that is just because there was nothing in the slowcooker when I came home from work. I always have clothes to put on in the morning, and am lucky enough to not have to wear clothes with holes in them if I don't want to. I have shoes for my feet...a couple choices. I have a safe, dry, warm home to live in. I have a wonderful husband who loves me, who doesn't abuse me physically or verbally or in any way at all, who is a perfect match for me. I have a car (not everyone in the world can say that!). I have a job.

I have alot. I need nothing. I am blessed.

And then I see what others have and I want it. A newer car. A bigger house. Nicer clothes. More clothes. More shoes. More furniture for the house. More stuff. More, more, more. And before I know it, I'm not content with my once-perfect life.

I've realized that one of the huge contenders to my contentedness is facebook. I look at pictures, I read comments, I see other people's lives and begin to wonder why my life doesn't look more like their lives. Why don't I have what they have? Why am I not in that place in life yet? Why am I not more like them? I feel joy for other people's friendships/families/gain/excitement...but also a sense of bitterness.

So, as of today, I am off Facebook. I quit. I'm done. I'm not using it anymore.

I am choosing to focus on what I DO have instead of being tempted by what I don't. I am choosing to maintain and grow my friendships through email and phone calls (we'll see about the phone calls, considering how much I despise the phone) instead of through reading comments and spying on photos.

One day I may return to the world of catching up with everyone en mass...but not until God says,
"Well done, my good and faithful may go back to facebook."


Trev and Rebekah said...

I quit facebook a few months ago. Though I wonder how some people are doing the reality is that many of the people I heard from really weren't sold deep friends anyways. I also didn't trust facebook and am glad that I have more free time without it. Though I need to learn to free up more time from checking my blog and emails now too.

Living in another country working with refugees is a great way to appreciate what we do have.

Unknown said...

I'm sad about this, but I think it's a wise choice. I could cut out the fb too - I keep wishing I could travel like everybody else. I find it such a great place to see photo updates on lives though that I may never cross paths with again in any other way.

Nikki said...

Niki-this post made me think about my own facebook usuage and all as well-though I see your point and totally agree with you, I agree with the last comment in sense that its so much more easier for me to keep in contact with people from all over (germany, austrailia, sweden etc) sure its impersonal in a sense, but people just dont reply to emails like they used to so FB is a good side thing... but thanks for the post, totally made me think