Sunday, July 27, 2008


So Nathan has been gone, speaking at camp, for four days now.

My first day alone was: Wonderful...I felt so productive and motivated...I got alot done and had a great time doing it without distractions!

My second day alone was: Horrible! I was completely out of it all day and wishing that I could just sleep the day away...nothing to do with being alone, but being alone didn't help it.

My third day alone was: BORING!!! I got over the horrible-ness, but it was replaced by sheer, downright boredom! I hadn't been that bored in months (years?)! At one point I just lay down on the couch and almost couldn't handle it because I was just SO bored! I wandered aimlessly around the house, not motivated to do that home-from-holidays cleaning that I still haven't done, and not even interested enough in old Flintstones re-runs to sit down for more than one of those!

My fourth day alone is: Fulfilling! I spent a few hours just continuing to read through my Bible (I started in Genesis in January of 2007 and am now in 2 Timothy). God has spoken to me so much today. Mostly it's been about putting others ahead of myself, focusing on the goal (that is, Him) and being (in character) a person that exudes Him! I then spent some time outside with Lennox taking some pictures (posted on until he ran across the street after our neighbours cat (something he has only done half a dozen times since we got him almost two years ago!). That put an end to play/picture time and now I'm Nathan's office, posting and posting and facebooking and emailing, and...yeah, being in Nathan's office without him...

Only 3 more days until I get to see my hubby! I'm looking forward to it, but I'm also looking forward to what else God has to teach me and point out to me while I'm looking solely to him (like I should ALWAYS be...)!

1 comment:

Trev and Rebekah said...

Glad your time with Jesus is what fulfilled you.