Wednesday, June 04, 2008

This is me. Honest. True.

Being honest and giving an answer with depth is harder than I thought...

Could there be exceptions to honesty?

Like maybe as long as I'm alive, I can say that I'm "good"?

I'm wondering if it's the polite thing to say you're good...

Unless someone really asks... There's something great about giving and seeking honesty and openness in close relationships...

I seek to be myself all the time, whether I give the standard "good" answer or not.

But I promise you this...
If you ask me how I'm really doing...I will tell you. And if I ask you how you're doing...I'd love to really know.

1 comment:

Kelsie-Lynn said...

Beautiful pictures. You've given me things to think about. Wish we could have coffee and discuss it together.