Tuesday, March 20, 2007

What to write about?

Writers block. Does it every happen to you where you really want to update your blog because you're tired of always seeing the same title sitting there but you never know what to write about? That's me.

Random fact: I used to use "writers block" as an excuse to sit and talk to friends all through creative writing class. It worked.

Anyway, so...what did I do today? Well, I came to the church (my only internet access) this morning at 8:30 and signed up to be a Creative Memories consultant. ("YEAH!") I'm pretty excited about it. My kit should be here by Monday. I'm excited to look through it. It's kinda crazy though how people spend so much money on "celebrating memories" when really they could spend a bunch of that money on actually making the memories. I like scrapbooking, but there is a line. I always say, "If I can't carry everything I need to scrapbook for an evening in one load, it's too much stuff. Makes me think about materialism. The speaker at a retreat we were recently at mentioned how North American churches have values that talk about materialism...churches in Africa shake their heads because that just isn't even an issue to them. They talk about other things that we don't even think about. Our culture is so materialistic. Some days I am actually interested in giving everything up and living simply. It would be interesting, wouldn't it, at least for a while?

I had a busy afternoon at work today. I was asked to work a couple extra shifts this week as soon as I walked in. Then, a couple seconds later, I was asked to work an extra shift next week. Then, partway through the afternoon, I was asked to work two additional shifts next week. Plus, for the whole month of April I will be working four mornings a week instead of three afternoons. I accepted all the shifts offered me, of course, because I can handle busy-ness, if I can see the end. At least that's what I tell myself... That, and Nathan and I are saving up for a something. So anyway, all these extra shifts were making me think $$$ (I know, completely counters my materialistic comments earlier) and then, at the end of the day, I was called into my supervisors office and she told me that I'd earned a raise! Whoo-hoo! So that had me pretty excited. It's been a good day. And now, I get to go home to my wonderful husband and watch some Lost (Season 2). Mmm...I love my life some days...


Anonymous said...


Sister C said...

I try to update my blog every 7 days or so and by that time I always can think of something to write my problem is making the time to write it.

gonna tell us what your saving for???

Anonymous said...

Well, I would love to start the rumour mill and say "a baby!" but really I haven't talked with dear Niki in forever and a day and have no basis to shout that :).

That would have been a good April Fools' joke though!