Monday, August 14, 2006

Home again, Home again, that's the Sailor's Way!

I’m back! After a week of not posting, I’m feeling a little out of the blogging loop! The past week has been busy and tiring, to say the least! We just got back on Saturday from a week-long mission trip to St. Laurent, Manitoba. St. Laurent is a small community about an hour north of Winnipeg. Nathan and I took a team of 10 youth and two other leaders up there to do a week of VBS. Our church has been sending VBS teams up there for 20-some years, so it’s cool to see the history while you’re up there. For me it was a tough week because I’d never really been up there before, and as we were leaving, I still didn’t have a set “job”, so I didn’t really know what to expect. The week, for me, was a lot of figuring out where I belonged and what I was supposed to be doing. That was tough, but next year will be easier, I can tell that already!

So now Nathan and I are home for five days and then we’re off again to lovely Saskatoon, Saskatchewan on another missions trip! We’re working with MCC on a project called Chalo. We’ll be working with refugees and immigrants in Saskatoon as well as just learning a bit of what life is like for them once they arrive here. I’m pretty excited about this trip. We’re taking basically the same team. We are losing two youth from the St. Laurent team and picking up one. Nine youth, two leaders…chaos, anyone? Nah, the youth we have are very mature and make a good team. That’s nice for our first year of summer youth ministry…we’re not being broken in too hard!

So yeah, that’s a quick update on our lives. These five days at home, I’m doing laundry and trying to clean the house so that we can come home to a spotless house with no immediate work demanding our attention! I’m also trying to relax a bit and get naps so that I’m not as tired at Saskatoon as I was at St. Laurent!

If anyone is interested in praying for our team, that would be great! You can pray for safe travels (driving there Friday, August 18 - back on Friday, August 25). Also, for team unity...we've been together for a week already, pray that people will have enormous amounts of patience with each other. Also for Nathan and I as we lead. Pray for spiritual protection...sometimes leadership can be the hard.

1 comment:

Trev and Rebekah said...

Oh I am excited to hear how your trip to Stoon goes. I know Dana is excited about it. Sure wish we could come along!