Thursday, June 15, 2006

I am surrounded by...Coke?

So I'm sitting in my husband's office, in his chair, where I usually post my blog posts from, and I'm looking around, thinking of something to put in the title line, when I see four empty coke cans sitting on Nathan's desk. I glance up and slightly to the right and I see two more empty coke cans and an empty glass coke bottle. Above that, a large sign from a coke machine that another pastor's wife (Deb) found at school and gave to him last fall. To my left are two full glass bottles of coke, one from Thailand and the other from Wakaw, Sk. So I think to myself, how did I end up marrying such a coke freak???

I remember when I decided which I liked better, Coke or Pepsi...I was sitting in the Treeline Dining Room in Hudson Bay with my Mom and Dad and sister and brother and Andrew and I both didn't know which we prefered, so we one ordered Pepsi and the other ordered Coke. We tried each one and decided right then and there which one we would like better. I don't remember what he picked, but I picked Pepsi. Too bad, now that's just another thing that Nathan and I don't agree about. Oh well, we get along really well despite our differences... (sighs of relief all around...)

So anyway, enough about Coke...(you can only type that word so many times before it waters down your computer screen) Last night for youth we went to Rosenort EMC for a praise and worship night. I felt right at home, of course, because it was an EMC church (that's home for me). jj. Actually, it was weird, because I walked in and it felt like I had been there before, long, LONG ago. Maybe I was a really good night. I enjoyed it so, so much. It was refreshing to see a bunch of people from Bethany (Cody, Stefan, Brian, Trevor & Rebekah...) The way I would describe it is that it was like taking a gulp of water and not being satisfied at all. Instead your thirst was just brought to the surface. I would love to do something like that more often. We didnt' have many youth come. Only about half of our normal group of senior youth. That was disappointing, but I think the youth who came had fun, so that's good. Plus we had homemade donuts afterwards, which was great...mmm...

Well, Nate and I are planning on watching a movie and eating popcorn yet tonight so I'd better run. Anyone seen any good movies lately that they recommend?


Trev and Rebekah said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog. I like comments.
We'll have to have you and Nathan over for supper some time in Aug after we are moved in. :0)

Erica said...

take the lead - so cheezy, so fun! I'm glad to hear you've chosen the better of the two. I myself am a rather large Pepsi fan... so much tastier!