Friday, June 23, 2006

As i siT hEre inHaLinG pAinT fUmeS...

So I'm at Nathan's office...typing a post for my blog because it's been four days....FOUR DAYS!!! Actually, that's not why I came. I'll share a secret. I'm about to over-haul Nathan's office. See, he's been stressed the past couple days, just trying to remember to get in place all the things that he has to get in place before we leave for Ontario for three weeks. It's alot to think about all at once and I admire him for giving 'er. But, as I look around me, I see papers strewn across the desk, books piled in random piles and posters sitting here and coffee cups sitting's just so...Nathan-like. No, I shouldn't say that. It's just not condusive to relaxing and thinking clearly, so I'm going to dig in and attempt to give Nathan a place where he can come to work on Monday morning and be able to see clearly what needs to be done in the week.
But before I dig in, I just have to share my plans for Nathan's birthday...I just can't keep it in any longer! I don't think Nathan will read my blog before it happens...I'll take that chance. See, while I have been sitting at work these past couple days, I've been thinking about how I can make Nathan's birthday relaxing and yet an adventure. Something just really fun. Well, here's what I came up with. See, Nathan is this guy who is really hard to buy for (as his -and my - parents can tell you). He just tends to ask for things slightly out of most people's budgets...big wide screen tv's, large surround sound systems, a motorcycle...I had no idea what to get him! So, I decided that he can pick his own birthday gift, but just giving money isn't the best thing for Nathan either, because once he gets it, he just saves it and doesn't buy anything for himself for a long time! So what I have done is make this scavenger hunt-type thing. I've planned a series of places where we will go and do different things at. I'll give him a clue and then we'll go to a park in Winnipeg where we will eat a surprise picnic lunch that I've made and hidden in the car. Then, we'll go to St. Vital mall and I'll take him to Cd plus and he'll get to pick out a cd for himself. Then, to Chapters where he gets to pick a book. Then, we'll go out to the car, where I've hidden whatever gifts/cards that have been sent to him (which I also have hidden and he doesn't know about) and he'll have to use clues to find them all over the car. Then I'll say we've forgotten something in the mall and we'll go back and he'll get to buy Season 1 of CSI (which he's been wanting since he met Jared Brandes). Then we'll go out for supper at the Olive Garden...which apparently is (or was) his favorite restaurant. So yeah, that will be Nathan's birthday this year, but I haven't been able to tell Nathan anything!!! It's killing me, I'm so excited, so I had to share! By the way, if anyone wants to wish Nathan a happy birthday, it's on Sunday, June 25th. Just follow the link on the side of my blog to the site of "My Incredible Husband." It'll make him smile. Anyway, I'd better get busy with his office! He'll be home from golfing in less than two hours!

1 comment:

amy said...

That sounds awesome Niki... how did it go?!?