Thursday, April 24, 2008

So…here is my long-awaited update…

I’ve sat down at the computer numerous times in the past two months, intending on updating my blog, but nothing came. I guess you could call it a severe case of writers block. Either that or not thinking my life is exciting enough to blog about…but excitement is not the point, is it?

Since February:

I’ve been working more hours at my job. We’ve been getting busier and busier since one of the other lumber yards in town closed its doors, so I’ve been working a lot more than I used to. I am currently working 10-5 daily (unless I leave early or have something up like babysitting at the church or teaching piano lessons). These feel like good hours. I was afraid of getting really overtired (like I did when I worked at my first job here in town), but I am finding that when you enjoy the work and the people you work with, it is much easier to be at work. It’s not quite as draining…

Since February, I have also ceased to be an active Creative Memories consultant. Because my last order was so large though (people stocking up), I made my quarterly sales and will still “technically” be a consultant until June sometime. But as far as stress goes, I’m done! Whoo-hoo! I loved it while I was doing it, but I was always thinking of how I was going to make my sales and ended up buying a lot of stock to fill my quota. That left me with a few things I will never use, but I was mostly smart about what I was ordering so that I’ll be able to use up my stock in the next couple years.

This weekend Nathan and I are going on a jr youth retreat. I’m excited-ish. I’m excited for how many connections get made during youth retreats, and how we get to know the kids so much better than we do for an hour and a half each week, but I’m SO tired just going into it and I find it VERY draining to be around people for so many hours with no break. I am definitely an introvert! Pray that I’ll have energy to hang out and have a good time and be there for the youth.

Next week, Nathan is taking a week-long intensive class in Winnipeg to go toward his seminary studies. That means he’ll be gone for a week. L I do get to go visit him and eat supper with him one night though. J I’m kinda looking forward to having the house to myself for a week (read: SPRING CLEANING!!!) but I always hate being away from Nathan. I miss him too much! Some people say, “Just wait till you’ve been married longer…” I don’t know about that. We’ve been married almost three years and it hasn’t really changed. It’s probably a good thing that I enjoy spending time with my hubby.

Speaking of my hubby, we just started a new blog! You should all check it out. The address is It’s a blog where we are going to try to post one picture a day that we’ve taken with our brand new Canon Rebel XTi. It’s our attempt at letting our artistic sides shine! I’m pretty excited about it. I posted today. I had to post two pictures for today though, because I couldn’t choose just one. It doesn’t matter what you take a picture of or whether the picture worked or not, when you take a picture with a DSLR (digital SLR), it looks good!

Well, I can’t think of anything else. There’s not much new around here. Just continuing on with our routine…working, going to youth, hanging out…

Until next time, keep fit and have fun!

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