Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Is baking cookies really enough?

I always feel like I should post...I don't have anything significant to say, but I feel like I need to be entertaining...or open...or both. But I wonder if the felt need to post on my blog creates an unrealistic sense of boredom with my life? Do I feel so much more like my life isn't exciting enough when I'm always thinking of something "significant" enough to share? Hmm...interesting thought. Maybe I'll just share one of those "little" moments in my day where life just seemed completely perfect, almost surreal (can it really be that good???). You know those moments? Sometimes they're few and far between, but today I had one and boy was it good!

I was at home this afternoon...there wasn't much to do at work, so I was on my way home (through a snowstorm) by 11:00am. After a bank visit, a mail visit, another bank visit (to deposit a cheque that came in the mail...whoo-hoo!), a movie-rental-place visit (to return a movie from date night last night), shoveling the driveway, I was home for the afternoon. What to do??? I wandered around the house for a while, cleaning this and cleaning that and playing with our financial numbers (because I LOVE to do that!) on the computer, I decided that I would do some Christmas baking. I've never really done this before (Christmas baking specifically--I've done plenty of baking otherwise) but this year I thought, "forget the fact that it's only Nathan and I living here...I'm going to bake many varieties of Christmas goodness and eat them whenever I want throughout the merry season! I started baking and about halfway through the fudge puddles, melted-chocolate-chip cake and supper, I kinda experienced an "out-of-body" moment. I looked at myself, baking tons of chocolatey too-good-to-be-true-ness, supper on the stove, Lennox on his mat beside the island (contentedly chewing on one of his toys), husband sitting at the island working on something, all warm in our beautiful, perfect house and I was amazed. What a perfect moment. It was exactly what I'd always imagined my life to be when I was married. I am so blessed...so what if there's not alot of excitement and travelling and new things happening daily. I have my dream. What more can I ask?

Thank you, Lord.


Kelsie-Lynn said...

Sounds like a fantastic life to me and a good reminder that the every day is just as important as the exciting adventures that sometimes come our way. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

While I'm a teeny tiny bit envious, I'm mostly super happy for you and your beautiful life with your cute house, Lennox and Nathan.

Hope you have many, many more small beautiful moments with baking cookies.

Trev and Rebekah said...

Great post. I am glad you enjoy baking because I am one who does not enjoy it.
How are you doing these days. I have been thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

hey niki, it's been a while!! i'm a little bit jealous of your simple life too... but in a good way!! i've been baking lots lately too, and i LOVE it. i hope you have an amazing christmas with your family :) i'll talk to you later! -Leah