I just can't seem to stay away from the car this month. After getting our second oil change in a month, Nathan and I packed the car AGAIN and headed off to the lovely Saskatchewan. This is my third trip to Saskatchewan since the beginning of June. Surprisingly, I don't loathe the words "road trip" yet. I still love the idea of getting into a car and taking off for a couple days! It is especially good when I'm with my honey. He's wonderful to travel with.
So this time, we're in Hepburn again. It is the weekend for our annual EMMC convention. There is always something for pastors before the whole thing starts, so we drove up yesterday and the whole thing starts today at 1:00. It is very convenient that convention is in Hepburn this year because it was not hard at all to drive up the day before and have somewhere to stay. Nathan's parents live in Hepburn, so we are crashing there.
Another advantage of driving up a day early is my being able to see my friend, Marsha. After driving 10 hours from Altona to Hepburn, I dropped Nathan and Lennox off, packed a smaller bag for myself, and drove another hour and a quarter to PA (Prince Albert) to see my wonderful Marsha. I am sitting on her couch right now (she's at work) and looking around her beautiful house and thinking what an honor it has been to be here and to sit here all evening until the wee hours of the morning talking weddings and marriage and LIFE. It's always way too long between those talks. But it's been good to be here. Short, but better than nothing, right?
Well, I should get going. In a couple hours I head back to Hepburn and to start the first of four days of sessions and meetings. Fun fun. Hopefully I'll be able to stay awake!