Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas!

Christmas morning. I woke up and looked at the clock. Good. Twenty more minutes to sleep. Three minutes later, Nathan wakes up, looks at the clock and jumps out of bed. I say, "Still fifteen minutes to sleep..." He asks when the alarm was going to go off. I look at the clock again and jump out of bed. When I had set the alarm last night, I definitely set it for pm instead of am. Oops. My bad. Now, you must understand something. Any regular Christmas morning this wouldn't have mattered at all. You wake up lazily (unless you have kids) and saunter into the kitchen and make a cup of coffee and then sit looking at the tree and pondering why this day is so special until the whole family is there and you can begin the festivities. This Christmas, we had to be the church by 9:00 and it was already 8:15. We rushed and I ended up being in quite the rotten mood. Why? One, because we had to be at the church first thing Christmas morning (I'm not going to want to do that once I have kids!). I'm not used to that. And two, because we'd slept in and I didn't even have a nice relaxed Christmas morning with my husband. Well, once Nathan left, I sat down at the piano and started playing because that is usually quite effective at relaxing me and making me look at things in perspective (good worship time) and God led me to the song, "Sanctuary." It refocused me on why we're doing this Christmas day service and why we're even in this church to begin with. It was such a good twenty minutes. It reminded me to always take those few minutes to stop running and just re-focus.

Lord, prepare me
to be a sanctuary
pure and holy
tried and true
With thanksgiving
I'll be a living
for you.

1 comment:

Nikki said...

welcome back! Good trip out to see the parents? I wanted to talk with you in church sunday morning, didnt work though. Yah, things are still a go for March, still working on it, but I got my passport! (story behind that to for another time! Maybe when we play taboo!)