Sunday, December 03, 2006

I've been homeless for almost a week now...

Everyone knows the cheezy saying, "Home is where the heart is." Well, since last Tuesday, my heart has been in Charlotte, North Carolina with my husband. Nathan is there with three other youth pastors from Winkler at the National Youth Workers Convention. It sounds like he's having a great time! I just got an email from him today letting me know that yesterday he won $400 worth of stuff. What good Scottish Mennonite wouldn't be having a great time?!
Meanwhile, I'm sitting at home, trying to give enough attention to my faithful companion, Lennox, and trying to keep myself busy. I don't know how those two things go together, but it's been working decently well.
God has been teaching me alot through not having Nathan around. Nathan left on Tuesday and by Wednesday I was already feeling like I was starving for his company. I actually felt hungry for his company. I never knew before what it was like to actually be hungry for anything other than food before, but now I know! And as soon as I realized that it was hunger that I was feeling, I realized that I've never felt that way about God, and yet I sing songs about how I go to him "hungry" because I know he satisfies and how I "pant" for him like a deer for water. I've never actually felt that, but now that I know the feeling, it is something to strive towards spiritually.
On Thursday night, I had supper and the evening with my parents (who were in Manitoba for the weekend) and my sister (who lives in Winnipeg) and God showed me how invaluable family is. I guess I always take family for granted, but he showed me that my family really does know me well, despite how I sometimes feel, and that they are able to support me in a different way than any friends ever could. Family has a unique place and I should respect and revel in that rather than taking it for granted.
Friday was a night to myself, which I was very grateful for after the business of the week. I don't know what I did...I think maybe I wandered around the house, waiting until it was finally a decent hour to go to bed. Not much, but it was relaxing!
On Saturday I left for the city with Patti to pick up some poinsettias from a greenhouse for a fundraiser that our youth did. I was back by 12:30 and enjoyed the rest of the afternoon from the comfort of my own blankets and pillows. I wonder if I'll ever outgrow naps...
Today is Sunday and I'm over the halfway mark of Nathan being gone. I'm so glad too. It's been sorta nice having all this time to myself, but the list of things that I wanted to accomplish since Nathan left has been left untouched because without a reason to get things done (Nathan), things just get put off. I just don't have any motivation to do anything! I talked to another wife today too who said the same thing happens to her when her husband leaves, so I know I'm not the only one. That helps!
So if anyone has any ideas about what I can do tomorrow and the next day to fill my time before Nathan comes home, feel free to let me know. I'm open to suggestions, although if housework is suggested, I've already thought of that, and it didn't work. I'm in need of something that will distract me...


Bonnie said...

Pamper yourself ... a day at the spa?!

Trev and Rebekah said...

I agree with Bonnie.
I hear you on being apart. It's hard. I still remember our first 6 days apart. Oh that was hard. But God is good and does teach us to lean on Him in those times.