Saturday, October 07, 2006

The Pantom of the Opera is here!

Today is finally the day that Nathan and I have been looking forward to for a long time! This afternoon we're heading off the big city and we're going to go out for supper (probably at Arby's because we're cheap young marrieds) and maybe do a bit of shopping at St. Vital, and then go to the Pantom of the Opera! And you know the best part? Remember back a couple weeks ago when I posted a list of my favorite things (Skittles, Alf and Ecclesiastes) and number 27 said, "dates in the city that cost a lot but are sponsored by a third party : )"? Well, this one is definitely sponsored! (Thanks Steve and Dianne!) Nathan really wanted to go and we wouldn't have been able to go otherwise.

It really humbles you when people do things like this for you, eh? We've had those humbling moments a number of times since moving here. The people in our church are so generous! When we first moved here, we had one man come up to us and say that if we ever had a tight month and just needed a couple hundred dollars or whatever, that we should just go and talk to him. And another man asked what we needed most for our house and took it upon himself to find that for us (that's how we got our deep-freeze)! It's amazing how giving people can be! I'd love to be able to do things like that for young couples/students. I hope that Nathan and I can afford it. I think, though, that we'll do what we can, whether we can afford it or not. Something about feeding the poor and clothing them too...although I think just making them smile would be something Jesus would do, too.


Nikki said...

Have fun today! As much as I want/need to get out of town, there are somethings about it that I really do love about small towns, the generosity and looking out for others is one of them!

Anonymous said...

Haha, Niki, it says's Phantom!!!!!!!!!! Hoo hoo, that is silly, have a good evening! - Kari-Ann